Downpour of ecstasy: Monsoon determines the beauty of resort in Wayanad

Kerala, the so called god’s own country, is known for not just for the greenery, beaches and the food but the monsoon rains. The monsoon rains that range till the western ghats, provide abundant rains that give rise to lucious and vibrant greenery that have spread across the land. This abundant rainfall is the reason for the diversified greenery, making it the perfect destination for the tourist to visit and experience. This monsoon cannot be simply termed as a climate rather it is one of the reasons for profitable tourism in Wayanad. We at lanternstay, a resort in Wayanad, would like to show how the monsoon has redefined the whole tourism industry.

Monsoon Merits for lanternstay

Monsoon has always been closely related to Lanternstay, fuelling their wildlife with abundance of rain and providing large reserves of water to the rivers The monsoon rains of lanternstay gives the tourist a serene experience to their stay. When the monsoon arrives, there is a special aroma and ambience to the wildlifes making it on the bucket list of many people. There are many elements in lanternstay that makes it the best destination during the monsoon:

The wild life:  Who doesn’t like the showering of rainwater from the trees, the colorful wet leaf bed, the fresh greenery and the after rain aroma? In lanternstay you can expect what makes a great rainy day for you. The real enjoyment is during trekking and camping when people are closely meddling with nature. The cool temperature can make you cozy and enjoy the wildlife with the sense of serenity.

The water bodies are benefited a lot with the prolonged monsoon rain, the current of the rivers that passes through the resort are increased and the water level is progressively high. This provides a beautiful sight for the tourists and makes their adventure experience worthwhile. The freshness and greenery makes camping at Wayanad a memorable one.

Benefits of monsoon

As stated above, monsoon can bring a dramatic shift in the outlook of lanternstay, be it in the prosperity of the wildlife or the scenic beauty that appeals to the customer. These changes course from different factors catalyzed by the monsoon rains, like: 

Fertility of the soil

The rains provide a tremendous amount of moisture and fertility to the soil which in turn helps in the growth of the vegetation and the greenery. The rain water helps in pushing down the soluble nutrients that makes it accessible for the roots of the plants to absorb and nourish themselves.

Decrease in temperature

A chill climate for you and your loved ones to relax! Now that’s a vacation you could dream of and at lanternstay you can experience a drastic drop in the temperature making your stay relaxing and comfy. As stated earlier this dip in temperature can also add to the experience of the tourists.

Mental  effects

Monsoon simply not just brings abundance in rain and the luscious green nature rather it enhances the mental and emotional state of a person. We at lanternstay carries our guest through this experience: 

  1. According to the study by the acoustic society of America it is stated that the sound that resonates during the rain produces a calming effect on the people. The sound of rain can bring in relaxation and takes the tourists to a stress free relief. 
  2. The scientists of MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have concluded that the petrichor, which is the scent of after rain, can enhance the mental state of an individual.
  3. The monsoon weather is a caffeine for creativity. According to the university of british columbia the rains can bring about creativity and increase concentration. 

Taking all these factors into account we assure that people of all kinds of mental states and working can be a part of the beautiful monsoon at lanternstay and experience the full fledge  of nature’s ambience.So the monsoon brings about a drastic change within the geographical landscape of the resort as well as the psychology of an individual. And we at Lantern stay takes that and fits our services into the monsoon falls to give the tourist memorable days to cherish a lifetime.

Enjoy the eternal vibes of Wayanad